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Durable Power of Attorney for Finances

This is a document which grants your attorney-in-fact/agent authority to sign on your behalf, whether it is because you are in Egypt or incapacitated. It is only effective while you are alive, when you die the personal representative and/or successor trustee will take over those powers. The power of attorney can take effect upon you signing it or upon the written determination of your incapacity by your physician.


Information needed for drafting your financial power or attorney

Who would you like to name as your attorney-in-fact and successor attorneys-in-fact? 

Clients usually name three to four levels of individuals (i.e., spouse; child, if attained age 18; father; and sibling). Financial institutions and advisors are typically not allowed to serve as an agent. 


Please provide us with the full legal name of each agent, your relation to each agent, each agent’s address, and each agent’s phone number​

Would you prefer your power of attorney to become effective upon signing or upon the written determination of your incapacity?

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